The First Miracle of Jesus and What that Means for You

Do you remember the first miracle Jesus performed? 

He turned water into wine at a wedding. He used ordinary pots filled with water which then became wine. They were common utensils, used for the most routine aspects of family life. The only thing special about the pots was that they were available.

A crucial characteristic of a disciple of Jesus is simply being available. The prophet Isaiah heard God’s call and responded, not by listing any credentials he had, but simply by voicing his availability to serve God.

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” -Isaiah 6:8

Availability requires surrender, faith, and a willingness to go where God sends and do what God says. It is what disciples do.

Are you available to God? Are there things you are not willing to do for Him? 

Dare to Ask God to help you be like the waterpots at the wedding, completely available for the Lord’s use.


We thank Jimmy Aycock for writing this series on discipleship. Jimmy serves as one of ILI’s International Directors following 30 years of fruitful pastoral ministry. He has a gift to help people to grow in their intimacy with God. 

- Wes and Joy Griffin