Mothers: Raising Tomorrow's Leaders

Meet Enda. She is a wife, mother of two, and business owner. She first attended a History Makers training event in 2022. On fire and excited for others to experience the same empowerment of the Holy Spirit, she began multiplying her training in Zambia. She passionately teaches the core value of Family Priority. Edna shared, “Family is the foundation of raising leaders.”


Motherhood carries a profound responsibility. Whether you are a leader within your home or extend your reach into a church or community, the potential for impact is unlimited. Your role is invaluable, and your influence is immeasurable.

Around the world, God is utilizing mothers' gifts to nurture and develop the next generation of leaders. So, as we celebrate mamas and spiritual moms alike, we want to say thank you for your sacrifice. You are making a Kingdom impact.



Embark on a three-day journey of personal growth and leadership development, focusing on how you can become a strong leader in your home, workplace, and wherever God uses your gift of nurturing and developing leaders within your sphere of influence.