As Esther stepped into the back of the small, three-wheeled taxi, the driver questioned, “Where are you coming from?” She replied, “We are coming from under the bridge.” Eyes wide, the driver slowly turned around and said,

"You must be christians. no one else would dare go down to those filthy street children."

There are nearly one million street children in India, each with a tragic story. They are abandoned, malnourished, and uneducated, sleeping in cardboard boxes or on the ground. At night, they rummage through garbage, trying to find enough food just to survive.

Esther knew God was calling her to trust Him more, but how? She cried out, 


Two years later, sixty-three children were calling her, "mom." One of her adopted daughters is Swapna. At the age of five, she tragically watched her mother die when a truck crushed her against a wall. Just three years later, her father died, leaving her and her younger brother orphaned and alone. Heart broken by their story, Esther and Peter adopted them both.

Esther said to Joy and me, “What if we had closed our eyes to the plight of street children? What if we had not obeyed the vision? What if we had not trusted God?"

do you feel god tugging at your heart to get involved in someone's life and help meet a need? what have your eyes seen? what do you believe you can do to share god's love with someone else?

Dare to ask God to use your life,